Master Liberato Del Plato
VI Dan Aikikai of Italy and Aikikai Tokyo. He has been practising Aikido since 1974. Until 1982 he was a student of Master Guido Garbolino in Turin, with weekly lessons by Master Joji Fujimoto. From 1980 to 1982 he was manager and
teacher in the Hirakudo Barruero Academy Dojo in Moncalieri (To). Since 1982 he has been responsible and teacher in the Hirakudo Academy Dojo in Eboli. He perfects the practice of Aikido by participating in national and international
workshops conducted both by the Japanese Masters of the Hombu Dojo and Masters from other Federations.
Nowadays, it is possible to take part in a lesson by maestro Del Plato at the Hirakudo academy located on the Eboli mountains and at the ASD Tusciania in Battipaglia.